Travaux complétés par l’équipe LiST

 The LiST team at the Bloomberg School offers technical support to organizations and groups that would like to use LiST to develop scenarios and projections that could help in their strategic planning.  Here are some sample projects.

Lancet Midwifery Series - Paper 2 - Scaling up interventions which midwives are capable of, at 4 different levels, with different packages of care. - MS Word DocZip Files

UNICEF ARI-DD report v1 - Scaling up pneumonia and diarrhea interventions (various packages of only treatment and only preventive interventions) from coverage of the poorest quintile to coverage of the richest quintile to see impact on deaths averted and mortality rates in Bangladesh. - MS Word DocZip Files

DOVE v2 Middle Income Countries - Impact of scaling up a combination of vaccines (DTP, Hib, Pneumo, Rota, Measles, Malaria) to 90% in 2015 in 14 middle income countries. - MS Word Doc - Zip Files

Save the Children Lancet Child Deaths v.2.1 -  To estimate the number of U5 lives saved by scaling up coverage of a combination of child health interventions; and to update the Lancet Child Survival estimates from 2003 -  MS Word DocZip Files

Gates Pneumo - Estimate the pnuemonia deaths averted when scaling up a combination of pneumonia interventions to universal and reasonable coverages in 25 high pneumonia burden countries. - MS Word DocZip Files

Save the Children Lancet Child Deaths v.2.2 - Estimate the number of U5 lives saved due to each interventions by scaling up coverage to reasonable / achievable targets. - MS Word DocZip Files

UNICEF ARI-DD report v2 - Scaling up pneumonia and diarrhea interventions  from current national coverage to the richest coverage to see impact on deaths averted and mortality rates. - MS Word DocZip Files

GombeProjectAnalysis - Assess the potential impact of a 4-pronged program intervening at delivery in Nigeria. - Zip Files

Gates Vaccine Routine Immunization Team v1 - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus and Measles vaccines as a combination on U5 pertussis, pneumonia, meningitis, diarrhea, and measles deaths. - MS Word DocZip Files

Vaccines Save the Children UK v1 - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus and Measles vaccines as a combination and individually to GVAP and GIVS targets  on U5 deaths, U5 pertussis, pneumonia, meningitis, diarrhea, and measles deaths, and U5 deaths due to each vaccine. - MS Word Doc,  Zip Files 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Vaccines Save the Children UK v2 - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus and Measles vaccines as a combination and individually from current national coverage to the richest quintile's coverage on U5 deaths, U5 pertussis, pneumonia, meningitis, diarrhea, and measles deaths, and U5 deaths due to each vaccine. - MS Word DocZip Files

PATH Diarrhea - Impact of reasonable scale up of group of interventions that impact diarrhea mortality on diarrhea incidence and mortality. - MS Word DocZip Files

DOVE 2 BRICS Countries - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumo, Rota on cause specific deaths. - MS Word DocZip Files

Save the Children Lancet Child Deaths v.2.3 - Produce impact of scaling up a group of interventions to full coverage 99% to be used in costing exercise. - MS Word DocZip Files

SaveUK-CCMTK - Assess the impact of including antibiotics for pneumonia in community health worker capabilities. -  Zip Files

Gates Vaccine - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumo, Rota vaccines individually and as a combo to 90%, and scaling the combo to level of current DTP coverage on deaths averted per 1000 vaccinated This was compared to vaccine coverage of 0%. - MS Word DocZip Files

Save the Children Myanmar - To evaluate the impact of child health program in underserved area. - Contact us for more information

USAID MNCH - Analysis looking at the impact of different packages of interventions at different coverage levels for 68 low- and middle-income countries. - MS Word Doc,  Newer Intervention Files 1 | 2, Proven Intervention Files 1 | 2Coverage Data (xlsx)

UNICEF Pakistan Flood - Estimate impact of floods on Pakistan mortality for an interagency report. For this, we estimated the number of deaths due to interruption of routine health services.. - MS Word DocZip Files

CCP Nepal - Analyze impact of 11 family health interventions in 25 districts in Nepal. - MS Word DocZip Files

Gates DOVE - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumo, Rota and Measles vaccines to 90% on U5 deaths averted by cause and life expectancy. - MS Word DocZip Files

Gates McKinsey Family Health - Impact of scaling up sets of family health interventions to 80%, 90%, 95%, 100% coverage on U5 and maternal deaths, and deaths averted by intervention. - MS Word DocZip Files

GAVI Demand Forecast - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Pneumo, Rota vaccines as combo on U5 deaths % reduction compared to no scale-up, U5 deaths % reduction compared to 0% coverage, deaths averted by vaccine, deaths averted by disease cause. - MS Word DocZip Files

GAVI demand forecast v.2 - Impact of scaling up DTP, Hib, Measles 2nd dose, Pneumo, Rota vaccines as combo on U5 deaths % reduction compared to no scale-up, U5 deaths % reduction compared to 0% coverage, deaths averted by vaccine, and deaths averted by disease cause. - MS Word DocZip Files

DFID Malaria - Developed estimates of deaths and cases averted, as well as ITNS, RDTs and ACT doses required to scale up malaria interventions in 22 countries. - MS Word DocZip Files

USAID Pakistan Vaccine - Estimate of impact of vaccine scale-up in Pakistan For USAID re-focus on Pakistan for MCHIP 2011. - MS Word DocZip Files

MTI Liberia - To evaluate a 4 year child survival project. - MS Word DocZip Files

GAVI IFFIm - Impact of scaled up coverage of Pentavalent vaccine due to IFFIm funding on U5 deaths averted. - MS Word DocZip Files

CIFF ORS - Analyze impact of ORS and zinc scale up in 3 states in India as part of program planning. - MS Word DocZip Files

GAVI Zambia - To identify the package of interventions that will have the most impact on child mortality reductions in the Luapula province of Zambia, so that these interventions can be used as incentives to supplement the introduction of pneumo vaccine in the province. - MS Word DocZip Files

Gates Malaria - To estimate the impact of scaling up coverage of a package of malaria interventions on U5 and maternal malaria deaths averted in two scale-up scenarios – conservative and according to Roll Back Malaria target. - MS Word DocZip Files

Gates Volt Ethiopia - Estimate the impact of scaling up coverage of a package of interventions' (with or without scaling up the contraceptive prevalence rate, and with or without IPTp recommendation) impact on neonatal, U5, maternal mortality rate, rate of stillbirths, U5 deaths and lives saved in Ethiopia. - MS Word DocZip Files

Integration Analysis - These scenarios estimate the impact of scaling up MNCH and family planning on top of HIV and malaria interventions.  (These are Spectrum / LiST files) - Zip Files

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