Etudes de validation

 Victora CG, Barros AJ, Malpica-Llanos T, Walker N. How within-country inequalities and co-coverage may affect LiST estimates of lives saved by scaling up interventions. BMC Public Health. 2013;13 Suppl 3:S24.

Larsen DA, Friberg IK, Eisele TP. Comparison of Lives Saved Tool model child mortality estimates against measured data from vector control studies in sub-Saharan Africa. BMC Public Health. 2011;11 Suppl 3:S34.

Ricca J, Prosnitz D, Perry H, Edward A, Morrow M, Ernst P, et al. Comparing estimates of child mortality reduction modelled in LiST with pregnancy history survey data for a community-based NGO project in Mozambique. BMC Public Health. 2011;11 Suppl 3:S35.

Chen W-J. Comparison of LiST measles mortality model and WHO/IVB measles model. BMC Public Health. 2011.

 Amouzou A, Richard SA, Friberg IK, Bryce J, Baqui AH, El Arifeen S, et al. How Well Does LiST Capture Mortality by Wealth Quintile? A Comparison of Measured Versus Modelled Mortality Rates among Children under-Five in Bangladesh. Int J Epidemiol. 2010;39 Suppl 1:i186-92.

Friberg IK, Bhutta ZA, Darmstadt GL, Bang A, Cousens S, Baqui AH, et al. Comparing Modelled Predictions of Neonatal Mortality Impacts Using List with Observed Results of Community-Based Intervention Trials in South Asia. Int J Epidemiol. 2010;39 Suppl 1:i11-20.

Hazel E, Gilroy K, Friberg I, Black RE, Bryce J, Jones G. Comparing modelled to measured mortality reductions: applying the Lives Saved Tool to evaluation data from the Accelerated Child Survival Programme in West Africa. Int J Epidemiol. 2010;39 Suppl 1:i32-9.

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